Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hybrid Books

Ok, since I might need one or two more blog posts, I figure here's a chance to give some feedback.
One, in terms of books to recommend, Wicked would be pretty good. But really, what I'd like to see is some 'Choose Your Own Adventure' type books. What better way to deal with hybrid themes than to have hybrid stories. 'Now wait a second Shaunt,' you'll say, 'Aren't choose your own adventure books childish and not worthy of literary critique?' To this I can simply answer NO! Weren't science fiction books once held to that same regard? Aren't comic books just now coming to age within the literary world? If I were a writer today (and I probably shouldn't write this because it's such a sweet idea, but at least I'll know if anyone of you guys snaked me and demand royalties) I would write a serious choose your own adventure book. The non-linear openendedness of the book would really draw the reader into the story and make them feel more connected to the actions of the characters and have a deeper respect of the consequences. And, I don't think that it would be hard to market either. Following the example of Spiegelman, I would simply write a couple in some Avant-Gard publications, only for people to soon feel nostalgia for their 4th grade class when they read dungeons and dragons 'secret of the fire mountain.' Bam, instant success.

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