Thursday, November 15, 2007

blog post post-haste!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday as is customary, Talissa. I thought I could get a freebie for the week since I did an extra blog posting last Wednesday. Anyway, I feel very weird about writing recently, even more so than I have before. It must be the ultra-cool progressive essays we did recently. My mind's rather divergent, which is mostly a curse when it comes to me trying to piece a paper together, but I still had trouble wrapping my paper up. However, that may have been for other reasons, such as staying up on Halloween, fueled by Twix and turtle ice cream. It was delicious and I was surrounded by my awesome friend and her roommates, who are, might I add, also awesome, yet I always lose steam when I'm about to finish a paper. This time will be different. I know, it's a little late for making resolutions/early since it's nearing the end of the year. In any case, I'm going to do my best at working on this final paper as often as possible until the afternoon it's due.

And to work on that paper, I first need to find an argument I'm not ashamed of. I was thinking of writing about the dysfunctional-family aspect of Maus, but that has been done. --In every single article I looked at. It's all about Richieu being the one perfect child in Vladek's life and Art doesn't measure up to the perfect memory of that dear little boy. It's just that every scene with Vladek and Art talking reminded me of my mom and how she and Vladek are pretty much kindred spirits. I doubt they'd actually get along, though. They'd kill each other first. Now, I'm leaning towards immigrant parents and growing up in a household as first generation American-born. In high school, I used to talk to my club adviser about how screwed up my family is, and she, being used to--as much as humanly possible--her crazy Asian mom, knew that although my mom moved to the United States, she was still intractably an Asian immigrant in the worst way possible. But I'll leave the details for my paper.

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