Wednesday, December 5, 2007

While doing my business today in the Dwinelle’s downstairs women’s restroom, I was pleasantly surprised to decipher from the graffitied walls the following quote, “Love is an action- bell hooks.” I’m not sure from what context it originated, but on its own and from my literal interpretation, I think I can agree with Hooks this time around. Love isn’t just a feeling or a thought. In order for you to love someone else or even yourself, it’s necessary to show it. In her life, I guess she shows her love by fighting on behalf of the people she cares about through her writing. Lesson of the day: you CAN learn stuff from the mostly emo/crude/random gibberish written on bathroom stalls. Who knew.

On the same, but different (ha), note, I went home this past weekend and told my mom about “Paris is Burning”. This led to a discussion about an Oprah episode. I swear Oprah does everything. Whatever you’re talking about, somehow Oprah has covered it. Kind of like the Simpsons…but less stupid, right? Is it just me or is there a Simpsons joke for just about every situation? Okay, end of tangent. SO, Oprah apparently did an episode about an Asian couple: married a few years, live in the suburbs, two kids. Then one day, the husband tells his wife that he feels like he should have been born a woman and wants a sex change. Surprisingly (or perhaps not), the wife decided stay with her partner. I was amused by my mom’s comment, “He was a good looking guy too! It’s such a pity.” Although she said this half jokingly, it still made me wonder how race plays a role in different stereotypes about transvestites. The documentary was about African Americans and Latinos, but what if there had also been Asian characters. Would there have been a different response? My mom would definitely say so. Hmm… I don’t quite know what to make of this, and I know this will probably be one of the last posts, but any thoughts?

To make my complete circle, the wife definitely displays Bell Hooks insight. =)

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