Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's that time of month again...
I have no idea what to write my paper on. How about you guys?

Anyway, I really enjoyed Austin Grossman's lecture yesterday. I just wish his talk had inspired me to think of a claim about his book. I wish I could steal the argument that that one guy came up with-- the one that said that comics are literature because the action happens in blank spaces, the same space that literature's plot takes place in. This paper should be fun, but how can I make it awesome? I wish I had super writing abilities. It's really hard at this point not to rant. I'm trying to treat this as a freewrite but I can't loosen my thinking up. All I think about is, "this paper's first draft is due in a week." A week gives plenty of time to mash somethig tgether, but what can I make it into an "oooh, that's interesting," topic that is also provable? I was thinking of arguing that every superhero in Soon I Will Be Invincible is a unique but imperfect replica of someone else, but where do I begin without going outside of the text? Is there solid evidence to hold up that claim? Someone, help. Please? Spider-Man?

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