Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Doctor impossible, is a hero who does not receive the credit or acclaim that he deserves. Since doctor impossible is on the good side, what does it make the Champions? Well the bad guys of course. The champions are just a group of punks who do not benefit society in anyway. They take up a lot of resources so that they can have fancy computers, chairs, and nice headquarters. But more importantly, they feed off of the despair of others. They want people to be in danger and trouble, because if they aren’t in trouble, then the heroes are out of a job. Not to mention that being in the limelight constantly inflates their ego and pride. Guaranteed, if there were not any villains, the heroes would make villains so that they can continue to be in the spotlight and receive credit for saving the world. Heroes do not care for the welfare of society but their own egos and reputations. Every act that they do, is motivated somewhere down the line by their own pride and they should be done away with. Society should move in favor of villains rather than of heroes.

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